We are The Guardians of Remembrance




Veterans & Seniors

RCL 480's Veterans' Service Officer is: Brent Craig 613-851-9296 or email vso@rcl480.com

Assistance for Veterans | Legion Programs for Seniors

The Royal Canadian Legion's Definition of a Veteran

In its efforts to better reflect Canadian involvement in conflicts and peace support operations, the Legion delegates at the 45th Dominion Convention voted unanimously to update the definition of a Veteran contained in its General By-Laws.

The latest definition of a Veteran in the Legion General By-Laws is as follows:

A Veteran is any person who is serving or has honourably served in the Canadian Armed Forces, the Commonwealth or its wartime allies, or as a Regular Member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, or as a Peace Officer in a Special Duty Area or on a Special Duty Operation, or who has served in the Merchant Navy or Ferry Command during wartime.

Assistance for Veterans

All veterans and their dependents are entitled to assistance from Legion service officers. Whether you’re a Legion member or not, if you’re having difficulty in obtaining the help you need from government or a military service branch, we’re here to assist you with the following:

• Disability Pension Program
• Attendance Allowance
• Prisoner of War Compensation
• Health Care Program
• Your Health Care Identification Card
• Veterans Independence Program
• Merchant Navy Veterans - Services & Benefits
• Last Post Fund
• Funeral, Burial and Grave marking Assistance
• Income-tested Benefits

Refer to Veterans Services or Services aux anciens combattants at the Veterans Affairs Canada Website for information about obtaining service records.

Help is just around the corner at a branch location convenient to you. The Royal Canadian Legion also has at least one service officer and/or service committee you can call upon to obtain information on all programs and help with applying for one or more of them.

RCL 480's Veterans' Service Officer is:
Brent Craig 613-851-9296 or email vso@rcl480.com

If you’re not in the Westboro area: The Royal Canadian Legion has four full-time service officers in Ontario as well as service officers throughout the rest of Canada to assist you. To locate the nearest one in your area, check the list of service officers at the Dominion Command's website in English or en Français.

The provincial service officer for Eastern Ontario is:

Pat Royle
Ontario Command
86 Aird Place,
Ottawa, Ontario,
K2L 0A1
Phone: 613-591-0144
Fax: 613-591-0148

Legion Programs for Seniors

The Royal Canadian Legion's commitment to seniors dates back more than 50 years to when branches first got involved in building low-rent apartment units for elderly veterans, widows, and their dependents.

Today, most branches conduct seniors' programs or provide services focused on health care, home support and housing. At the national level, there is advocacy for seniors' rights and their well being. As well, support is given to the work of other organizations such as Alzheimer's Canada.

Contact us for more information on services for seniors in our area.

Contact us for more information.